Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Research - Moral Panic

A moral panic is the intensity of feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order.

An example of this was the moral panic over the role playing game of Dungeons and Dragons. In this game you played a person who became a witch, and then revolted and turned to christianity to revert from the afterlife of hell. This brought great controversy with the issues of Satanism, witchcraft, sorcery, pornography and violence. Characters could tie and torture people, whilst also using spells to inflict pain and "damage" to creatures in the mythical world.

In game screenshot of one of many of the demonised creatures within the game.

Religious groups were in uproar about this, and claimed it was "demonising" the social order of people who were immensely influenced by the role playing game. This negative media led TSR the makers of the game to remove all references to demons and satanism in which they replaced characters with names other than "Lucifer" and "Mephistopheles"

My teaser trailer contains religious connotations of a demon or devil which is present in one of my characters in the movie. To not upset too many people, I will not challenge any ethical or religious views in my film or begin a 'Moral Panic' with the intensity of the teaser trailer. The trailer will not contain any mythical creatures, and we only intend to have one scene were you can clearly see the demon or devil is present. The scene begins at 0.50 and ends at 0.53

Example with still image:

The scene can be seen from 0.50 - 0.53 here:

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